Plantar FAsciitis
Relief for Pain Caused by Plantar Fasciitis
Do you have heel pain when you first get out of bed each morning? Does your foot pain suddenly reappear after you’ve been sitting at your desk for a few hours? Then you might have plantar fasciitis.
Plantar fasciitis is one of the most common causes of foot and heel pain seen at Richardson Podiatry Center. It occurs when your plantar fascia, the tendon that runs along the bottom of your foot connecting your toes to your heel, becomes inflamed.
Do You Have These Symptoms of Plantar Fasciitis?
People who are on their feet a lot, such as runners and athletes, are prone to plantar fasciitis. People who are overweight are also more likely to develop plantar fasciitis.
Some of the most common symptoms of this foot condition include:
- Heel pain
- Stiffness in the bottom of the foot
- Burning or aching on the bottom of the foot
- Pain when climbing stairs
To determine whether you have plantar fasciitis, your podiatrist will perform a basic physical exam. This exam tests to find the exact location of your foot pain. For example, your podiatrist might ask you to flex and point your foot. If the pain gets worse when you flex your foot, then your plantar fascia might be inflamed.
In some cases, your podiatrist might order an X-ray to ensure that there is not a bone fracture or other foot condition contributing to your heel pain and inflammation of your plantar fascia.
Effective Treatment of Plantar Fasciitis Starts Here
Treatment for plantar fasciitis ranges depending on the severity of your condition.
Home Treatments
The first type of treatment your podiatrist might recommend is home treatment. This requires you to stay off your feet to allow your plantar fascia to heal. You might be asked to ice your feet a few times a day to help reduce the swelling. Your doctor might also recommend taking a nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) to reduce inflammation.
Treatments From Your Richardson Podiatrist
In more severe cases, you might need medical care from a podiatrist. Some of the effective ways we treat plantar fasciitis include:
- Physical therapy. With proven physical therapy methods, we’ll help you loosen up your plantar fascia and reduce inflammation.
- Corticosteroid shots. For extreme inflammation, over-the-counter anti-inflammatory medications might not be effective. A corticosteroid shot might be more effective.
- Braces and splints. Wearing a splint at night can help you stretch out the tendon and reduce inflammation.
- We’ll help you find the right shoes to support your plantar fascia while it heals. These shoes will also offer you ongoing support so you can minimize your chances of experiencing plantar fasciitis again.
- People rarely need surgery for plantar fasciitis. If you do, our experienced team of surgeons gives you comfortable, effective care.
Don’t keep suffering from heel pain from plantar fasciitis. If you suspect that you might have an inflamed foot, talk to a podiatrist at Richardson Podiatry Center today.